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    mode of delivery that
    allows you to learn at
    your own pace
  • Shine Everyday

    We designed an career path
    that provides enormous shine
    to you every day.
  • Ready to go

    We help you with resume
    building & then try to schedule
    suitable job interviews.
Don't settle for less

What you will get
from LTI Corp

Our courses will help you become a confident and competent software developer. You will learn the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.

  • 20+
    Trending Courses

  • 10+
    Experienced Tutors

  • 10+
    Study Materials

  • 100+
    Placement Assistance

20+ Realtime Courses

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Our courses will help you become a confident and competent software developer. You will learn the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.


What Our Students Said

LTI Corp

“ I joined the Software Development training programme at LTI Corp and I am very glad I did. The programme was comprehensive, practical, and relevant. I learned how to develop software applications using various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. The instructor was very skilled and knowledgeable, and explained the concepts and techniques clearly and patiently. I obtained a certificate of completion and a portfolio of my software projects. Thanks to LTI Corp, currently i get a job as software developer at a leading company. “

Ahamed Kabeer Jalaludeen S

LTI Corp

“ LTI Corp is the best place to learn software development. I enrolled in the Software Development training programme and I was impressed by how much I learned in just 10 weeks. I learned how to use Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Android, to create software solutions. The instructor was very professional and helpful, and taught me the best practices and standards of the industry. I received a certificate of completion i am very happy with the programme and I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn software development. “

Vignesh C

LTI Corp

“ I enrolled in the UI/UX Designing course at LTI Corp and I am very happy with my decision. The course was well-structured, engaging, and practical. I learned how to design user-friendly and attractive websites and apps, using tools like Photoshop, Sketch, and Figma. The instructor was very knowledgeable and helpful, and gave me valuable feedback on my projects. I also got a certificate of completion. Thanks to LTI Corp, I was able to land a job as a UI/UX designer at a reputed company. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn UI/UX design “

Deivaraj P

LTI Corp

“ If you want to learn 2D animation, you should definitely enroll in the 2D Animation course at LTI Corp. The course was fun, interactive, and informative. I learned how to create stunning animations using Adobe Animate, After Effects, and Premiere Pro. The instructor was very experienced and talented, and taught me the tricks and techniques of the industry. I also got to work on real-world projects and assignments, and received constructive feedback and guidance. I earned a certificate of completion and a showcase of my animations. “

Sujimitha V


Cherish the Experiences

Our courses will help you become a confident and competent software developer. You will learn the latest technologies and best practices in the industry.